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Unbreakable faith

Weight of Sin Crewneck Sweatshirt

Weight of Sin Crewneck Sweatshirt

Regular price $34.99 USD
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Color: White

Start your day off in the Word of God with the Weight of Sin Christian Crewneck Sweatshirt from Fabrics of Faith. Ask God to speak to you through his word—for his Spirit to convict you of sin, teach you the truth, and lead you in walking by faith.

This monochromatic front graphic illustration design and its symbolism exemplify the reality of scripture Matthew 27:1–5, the biblical account in which Judas Iscariot decided to take the weight of sin upon his shoulders after betraying Jesus Christ to the Sanhedrin members for thirty pieces of silver. Compelled by his deep remorse of innocent betrayal, Judas felt that the only and best option was to kill himself, rather than repenting and seeking God’s forgiveness.

Without faith, we are nothing. Faith is our armor. Wear your faith every day as a continual proclamation to the world that Jesus paid it all for our salvation.

3Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, 4saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, “What is that to us? See to it yourself.” 5And throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed, and he went and hanged himself. – Matthew 27:1–5

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